Love/Life Coaching

Joy-An, the LOVE COACH OF MYSTIC MT. SHASTA offers holistic coaching to create more love, joy, health, and harmony in your life and relationships, including with your own self and body. On site or by phone or Zoom. She has an M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Goddard College, is an ordained minister and has studied and practiced within several spiritual traditions. For the past 20 years she has worked with  ascended masters and angels of the higher dimensional light realms. She is dedicated to the Christing (enlightenment) of planet Earth and all sentient beings.

Read: NEW EARTH, BRINGING IT HOME a book by Joy-An Tucker. From bedbugs to bliss. Using lively stories, Joy-An Tucker takes the reader on an inner and outer journey that is simultaneously practical, mystical, and often humorous as she upgrades her ordinary home into a Temple of New Earth.

 LOVE/LIFE COACHING Holistic assistance with relationships, purpose, goals, health, emotions, trauma, with attention to harmonizing body, mind, emotions, and spirit for optimum well-being. Stop being a victim. Drop your stories. Love is all there is.

SPIRITUAL COUNSELING,  another form of love coaching. I am dedicated to helping people to turn away from old paradigms of disharmony, to align with the increasing vibratory frequencies of Gaia,  and to create a New Earth reality of divine love, joy, peace, cooperation, unity, reverence for all life, and Oneness with all creation.

HIGHER OCTAVE HOME DECORATING Consultations based on my book New Earth, Bringing It Home. Includes all of the above and relating it to home decorating

FREE ENERGY HEALING for people with incurable illness. Donation appreciated guided by heart. This healing is guided by your own higher self. I call you into my MerKaBa energy field of Divine Love frequencies, and healing occurs according to what your higher self allows. Usually there are lessons to be learned and changes made for full healing to occur. If it is your time, it will raise you into a higher vibration for your transition.

INSTRUCTION: Individual and group, 30-45 minutes, $45/individual, $25/per person in group.  All classes begin with creating sacred space, centering in the heart, and raising vibration and radiance with golden light.

  • New Earth visioning and feeling experience of her frequencies of Love, Joy, and Peace as we step into her parallel reality. She is here NOW.   By Zoom
  • Blue light blood cleansing, filling body and aura with joy. This practice begins with 3rd eye visualization. By Zoom
  • Violet light brain upgrade to increase brain function and reduce chance of Alzheimers or dementia. By Zoom
  • First steps to living off of Prana, the life force energy of Creator, as learned from Ascended Master St Germain.  By Zoom

Email to schedule a private or group session:


When I Was a Child Cover (Front Only)Excerpt from When I Was a Child: As Given by the Cosmic Christ by Joy-An Tucker

“Ah! Horses ran and leaped and bucked after being turned out of their pens–white, gold, black, brown, copper splashes of light in the green fields. My heart leaped with joy.

Ah! Freedom! Run. leap, buck with joy within yourself, Beloved. You are set free of the pen of your limited perspectives and beliefs. The gate is open. Dash through!”

This book offers a unique perspective on ascension and spirituality: the childlike trust and innocence required to enter the higher dimensions and the heart of Creator. It is an inspirational guide for those newly awakening as well as for those well along on their chosen path.

It is mystical, poetic, humorous, imaginative, childlike and wise at the same time. Wise masters have said the truth is simple. This book is simple truth.

You can read a few pages on Amazon Books and buy it at

DSCN0431Peace in the garden