Laugh, learn and heal with horses near Mt Shasta. Connect with their wisdom, awareness, and healing power to expand your own wisdom, self-awareness, and self-healing power. Become a wiser, more loving, compassionate leader. Become more authentic. Become more heart-centered in all your relationships. Look into the mirror of the horse and see yourself. Offering Equine Assisted Self Empowerment, a transformational coaching experience.

Kayla age 14 communing with Doc Happy
Contact JoyAn Tucker at or call 530-938-9678 (landline) for a free 15 minute phone consultation or to make appointment

Zeke boldly brushing Happy

Look Mom, no hands!
“I watched the horses graze in green pastures, swishing flies with their tails, slowly ambling to another spot, stopping to groom each other gently. A tail would lift and from underneath would drop brown turds to earth. Together as one the horses would lift their heads to watch a deer cross the pasture. How glorious they were, filling my eyes and heart.”
“The mirror of the grazing herd is relaxed harmonious community, unity, ease, the Tao, the way of the Earth that you are creating. Feel that ease and relaxation. Breathe deeply. Let all discord go.”
Excerpts from When I Was a Child: As Given by the Cosmic Christ by Joy-An Tucker